Whitestone Farm
at historic Ely's Ford
10413 Elys Ford Rd.
Fredericksburg, Virginia

Every class offered herein is governed by the rules and specifications set by the current VHSA and BHSA rules.
Proof of a negative Coggins test, taken within 1 year, is required of all horses and ponies on the show grounds. A copy of your Coggins test will be required at each show.
Pre-entries: Go online to: www.whitestonefarmva.com to submit or print a form. The entry form must be mailed or submitted by email and received by Wednesday at noon. Pre-entries may add/scratch during the show without penalty. Call Kathleen at 540-840-5484 with questions.
All release/entry forms must be completed and signed by a participant or parent/guardian. Numbers will not be released until the entry form is signed.
All classes are $18.00 for pre-entries. Pre-entries must be received by 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday before the show. After that, entries are $25/class.
There are no stall rentals.
Fee for returned checks $50.00. Any requirement to bill for charges will be assessed a $25.00 charge.
There is a $25.00 non-showing fee for those who only wish to school.
Schooling in Ring #1 at designated times. Please see class schedule for details.
All Judges decisions are final.
ASTM/SEI certified helmets must be worn by all riders when mounted.
Age of junior rider is defined as riders age as of December 1, 2023.
Proper attire is required. Jackets may be excused at Judge’s discretion.
All Hunter divisions horse/pony must be shown in at least one over fences class in order for under saddle points to count towards year end awards.
Six ribbons will be awarded in each class. Champion and Reserve will be awarded in each division. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -10, 2nd – 6, 3rd- 4, 4th- 2, 5th- 1, 6th- .5. Champion- 10, Res. Champion -6. Point system will be in accordance with VHSA bonus point system.
High Point Trainer Award and High Point Owner Award are based on accrued points through the show series. Points to count are Champion (10) points and Res. Champion (6) points. ENTRANTS MUST LIST A TRAINER and OWNER ON THE ENTRY FORM AT EACH SHOW TO ACCRUE POINTS.
In the event of inclement weather, a decision will be posted on the Whitestone Farm Horse Shows Facebook page
Exhibitors show at their own risk. Exhibitors are notified that any act of discourtesy or disobedience to the judges or officials on the part of the owner, manager, rider or groom, shall disqualify the horse and the owner shall forfeit his entry and other fees.
Jumps in any or all classes are subject to change at the discretion of the Committee in the case of a jump off, accident to equipment or for any other reason deemed necessary.
The show committee reserves the right to refuse any entry, to change/combine/postpone/cancel or split classes/divisions or change officials.
Please use trash containers for disposal purposes. Leave only your hoof prints behind!
All guests and exhibitors will be held responsible for any damages they or their animals cause to show grounds and property.
Management/farm owner are not liable for injury to person or horse at anytime, which includes going to, coming from, and in the ring. Neither will it be responsible for vehicles or any article that may be lost or damaged.
Should any question or dispute arise that is not provided for in the foregoing rules, the same shall be submitted to the show management, whose decision shall be final.
Whitestone Farm | BHSA | VHSA |
Leadline | Leadline | |
Pre-Short Stirrup Equitation | Pre-Short Stirrup Equitation | |
Short Stirrup Equitation | Short Stirrup Equitation | |
Long Stirrup Equitation | Long Stirrup Equitation | |
Student Equitation | Student Equitation | |
Pleasure Pony | Hunter Pleasure Pony | Hunter Pleasure Pony |
Green Pony | Green Pony | Green Pony |
Pony Equitation | Pony Equitation | Pony Equitation |
Pony Hunter | Small/Medium Pony
Large Pony | Small/Medium Pony
Large Pony |
Equitation on the Flat | Equitation on the Flat | Equitation on the Flat |
Pleasure Horse | Hunter Pleasure Horse | Hunter Pleasure Horse |
Maiden Hunter | Maiden Hunter | |
Limit Hunter | Limit Hunter | |
Low Hunter | Low Hunter | |
Green Hunter | Green Hunter | Green Hunter |
Thoroughbred Hunter | Thoroughbred Hunter | Thoroughbred Hunter |
Working Hunter | Working Hunter | Working Hunter |
Children’s/Adult Equitation | Children’s/Junior Equitation
Adult Equitation | Children’s/Junior Equitation
Adult Equitation |
Children’s/Adult Amateur Hunter | Children’s/Adult Amateur Hunter | Children’s/Amateur Hunter |
Leadline | Leadline | |
Pre-Short Stirrup Equitation | Pre-Short Stirrup Equitation | |
Short Stirrup Equitation | Short Stirrup Equitation | |
Long Stirrup Equitation | Long Stirrup Equitation | |
Student Equitation | Student Equitation | |
Pleasure Pony | Hunter Pleasure Pony | Hunter Pleasure Pony |
Green Pony | Green Pony | Green Pony |
Pony Equitation | Pony Equitation | Pony Equitation |
Pony Hunter | Small/Medium Pony
Large Pony | Small/Medium Pony
Large Pony |
Equitation on the Flat | Equitation on the Flat | Equitation on the Flat |
Pleasure Horse | Hunter Pleasure Horse | Hunter Pleasure Horse |
Maiden Hunter | Maiden Hunter | |
Limit Hunter | Limit Hunter | |
Low Hunter | Low Hunter | |
Green Hunter | Green Hunter | Green Hunter |
Thoroughbred Hunter | Thoroughbred Hunter | Thoroughbred Hunter |
Working Hunter | Working Hunter | Working Hunter |
Children’s/Adult Equitation | Children’s/Junior Equitation
Adult Equitation | Children’s/Junior Equitation
Adult Equitation |
Children’s/Adult Amateur Hunter | Children’s/Adult Amateur Hunter | Children’s/Amateur Hunter |