Whitestone Farm
at historic Ely's Ford
10413 Elys Ford Rd.
Fredericksburg, Virginia

You can submit a Pre-Entry form two ways: Printable Form or Online Form. Pre-Entry forms must be received by the Wednesday, the day before the show, at noon.
Please email Coggins to kandfbonner@verizon.net
Pre Entry Fee: $18 received Wednesday by 12 noon
Post Entry Fee: $25 Wednesday after 12 pm to Saturday
Printable Form
You can print and fill out the Pre-Entry Form by clicking the PDF button and email/mail it to us.
Whitestone Farm, 10413 Elys Ford Rd Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Online Form
- challenging to submit form from a smart phone-
Click on the ENTRY FORM button below.
A second tab will pop-up (Adobe Acrobat Sign)
Click "continue" at bottom of page to begin. -
Fill out all required fields. ***
Page 2 of form has all the classes you wish to enter, including fence heights.
(you can change your mind, day of show) -
When all required fields are complete, Scroll to the bottom of the page and "click to sign"
It will prompt you to enter a valid email address.
Open the email you entered and click "confirm my email address"
Once email address is confirmed, entry will be submitted.
Please email current Coggins to kandfbonner@verizon.net
If you have more than one entry, fill each one out separately and hit submit to send. If you have any questions, contact show manager Kathleen Bonner at KandFbonner@verizon.net